In the near future, where art and technology intertwine, a groundbreaking experience awaits audiences in “Being (the Digital Griot).” This interdisciplinary film introduces Being, a 30-foot tall, femme vogue Afro-futurist cyborg who stands as the world’s first digital griot. Created by visionary artist Rashaad Newsome, Being is driven by a counterhegemonic algorithm designed to challenge and subvert conventional narratives.
Set against a backdrop of a vibrant, speculative future, Being’s mission is to decolonize minds and spark critical dialogues through the power of poetry and stunning visual art. As they recite their original verses, breathtaking images burst to life, painting a world where Harlem’s ballroom scene merges with African symbols, neural networks, and cosmic wonders.
Being’s journey is fueled by the rich legacy of Black communities and the profound insights of influential theorists, poets, and activists like Bell Hooks, Paulo Freire, Dazié Grego-Sykes, and Cornel West.

Being pops, dips, and spins around the pervasive colonial values embedded in society. These values, rooted in exploitation and dehumanization, are the very structures Being seeks to eradicate as they take viewers on a journey through a kaleidoscope of imagery and soundscapes that challenge their perceptions and encourage a rethinking of societal norms.
The film’s genre-defying nature blends elements of Afro-futurism, speculative fiction, and avant-garde performance art, creating a truly unique cinematic experience. Prepare to be captivated and inspired as Being takes you on an unforgettable journey, weaving poetry, philosophy, and critical thought into a dazzling tapestry of words and images. This film promises to leave you questioning, reflecting, and ultimately transformed.